Forms of Debt
Something that no one wants to talk about, openly, is debt. This may either be because you might be unsure if what you have is debt, or you know you have debt and just don't want to think about it. Which - if you have debt that should be the first thing on your mind to remedy quickly. I will put my own debt out there, from my college experience I came out with $18,000 of student loan debt. Which on the wider spectrum is very little, but it is debt I wish I had not accumulated. Let's get down to the investigation portion, what are the different forms of debt. Along with how they are acquired. Research Debt is defined as "... a financial liability or obligation owed by one person, the debtor, to another, the creditor." ( CornellLawSchool ) A financial liability is defined as: "Any future sacrifices of economic benefits that an entity must make as a result of its past transactions or any other activity in the past. The future sacrifices to be made by the entity ...